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Crystal Shrimp Start-Up Kit

Creates an ideal breeding environment and boosts female shrimps carrying eggs.

Forms a nutrient-rich biofilm serving as a stable, long-lasting food source for baby shrimps.

Increases crystal shrimp productivity and stability by strengthening aquarium biocapacity.

Suitable for

Direction for use



Crystal shrimp hobbyists and breeders who are dedicated to improving breeding efficiency.

Step 1: Set up the aquarium, add the Start-Up bag, and aerate for 3 weeks. 

Step 2: After 3 weeks, replace half of the water. 

Step 3: Adjust water hardness with mineral product before adding crystal shrimps. 

Step 4: The Start-Up bag can be removed after 3 months of use.

Use 1 bag per 50L (or less) of water. This kit contains 2 bags.

Maintain aeration during Start-Up process to benefit bacterial and biofilm growth.

Cloudiness or biofilm growth during the Start-Up process is normal, and no action is needed.

Nitrobacter, Bacillus natto, Mineral salt, Protease, Humic acid, Fermentation media, Natural adsorbents.

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